Posts Tagged ‘silvers’

On what was definitely one of the most memorable weekends of fishing this season I’m definitely inspired to do a write up about all the madness. For now how about some pics from the last week?

Just about the time everyone forgets about coho Steve ‘Hustler’ Gustafson and his Pops, Gus, go and put a hurt on a few. I’ve been real proud of Steve’s development as an angler of small rivers. He has passed a lot of knowledge onto his father as well and they are both now having success. […]

When I get a bunch of steel in my inbox over a short period of time….I like to bunch the photos and ‘words from the anglers’ up into one nice post. I’ve been calling them ‘Steeling the days away’. Here’s a third segment to that series. All in the game and for the name of […]

Each month I put together a compilation of photos and/or video clips of accomplishments from the previous 30 days. It’s called the All Around Brag Board. It features both pics that have been emailed to me or the website as well as action the Team has captured out on the water. Some anglers prefer […]

Christopher ‘H3llcat’ Heller w/ one big ass Ho Yesterday I was explaining to a couple buddies who normally have fly rods in their grips what it feels like when a chrome bright, sea lice-riddled coho salmon slams a spoon on a cast and retrieve method. I was pontificating really. Because until it happens to you […]

Our crew of a few anglers, in two days, put 30 out of some 50 hooked to the bank. Nary a fish without sea lice. Need-less-to-say my head’s in the chromes now. TS/2011 * * * *

And we could only fit half of them in there. That’s a pretty good problem to have. Especially two days in a row. TONS of content to come in following days. TS/2011 * * * *

Calm down you fellow Quackers. No reference to our beloved Oregon Duck athletic program here…maybe some other time. After a win, perhaps. No, rather this is a promotion for money-pinched anglers to pick up their next hiking pack in the DUCK HUNTING section of your favorite outdoor store. Why? Not only will you pay less […]

TS/H3l/2011 * * * *
