Posts Tagged ‘coho’

I have quite a few friends that follow the exploits of my Pops, Sal Monid. Aka Dave Heller. Aka just plain ‘ol Sal. There have been times during the evolution of this web product where Sal’s contribution of content from his worldly travels kept this site afloat. I always love putting his movies together because […]

Phat winter chinook. Great late season Hos. Making fun of my Dad’s spinners. It’s all in here. I had to edit the crap out of these clips. I’ve really loosened up out there. Haha. Enjoy the latest from TRIPLE A TV! h3llcat

Title says it all. Video says the rest. This is a follow up to my heavily viewed ‘Horrific Snagging Display’ from years ago. Special thanks to Auntie and Sal. Respect. Down with the snaggers. H3l

The pics in this slide show (YouTube link below) are from a trip North to visit my sister and enjoy the countryside. Like around here, it had been warm and dry and the streams were low and clear. Gear fishing was not working so we switched to fly rod and pretty sparse flies. Using flies […]

Here’s a look at what I’ve been up to the past few weekends. You’ll see some familiar and friendly faces, as usual! I’ve been having so much fun and just loving life. Anyway…hope you enjoy my latest piece of work for this fine web resource we all know and love called Triple A.

Bank trip update & how to submit your content to AAA

Posted: November 23, 2014 by Hellcat in Fish Reports
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With a newly assumed ‘off the grid’ status for the most part I’m on the non-plan plan. Meaning I never really know where I’m going fishing or who I’m going with. Plans are made to be broken with a three year old at home so I just don’t make them anymore. I’ve enjoyed running around […]

A tribute to snaggers everywhere

Posted: September 30, 2014 by Hellcat in Fish Reports
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Who remembers this classic? With almost 110,000 views this video shows no signs of slowing down. OR of creating a social debate seemingly never won.

Flaggers. Fly fishing snaggers. We’ve all done some angling dirt in our day…but some places this has become far too close to too many people’s norms. Flossing coho. Some sad sh*t. Check this video out.

Please take a peak at my new promo accommodating all kinds of angler requests! HUGE thanks to Paul R. and Mike S. for their continued patronage of All Around Angler, LLC. and the extremely unique experience. I even did some kayaking and plug trolling as well. What a blast. Oh yeah…chrome too! Paul R.

I couldn’t sleep so I made a little promo for Christmas gift trips. Lemme know your thoughts. Brochure might be next step.