Upper Green River, WY

Posted: September 1, 2022 by Hellcat in Fish Reports

Starting in 1984 I began to visit a very magical place passed down through generations in my family sitting in the mountains of the wind river range in Pinedale Wyoming.

This was the very first place I ever caught a trout on a fly and I will never forget that yellow humpy getting slurped off the surface igniting a lifelong passion that I still pursue to this day.

I keep this website functional for a very few people who are incredibly important to me and who share this passion for the outdoors and for angling.

One of those people is my Dad. You might know him as Sal Monid from the glory days of Triple A! He and my son and I shared some pretty special time together there this past month. Super special we have this property and access the wild outdoors we can continue to pass down to future generations in the family!

Please enjoy a few photos from this year’s trip!

  1. Sal Monid says:

    Definitely a special place especially enjoying the outdoors with my oldest and his son. Those are excellent pictures and capture a very memorable time for all of us. Thanks for the post! Sal

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