Posts Tagged ‘fishing movies’

Look for this and more coming soon to your favorite on line angling resource for river edutainment…! * Feature Pictures: Introducing Ian Sheldon aka Anne’s Revenge and his 2012 steelhead beatdown to date…metalheadshots galore. * Movie: Year In Review Part Deux * Promotional Video: Dan Cox from Cascade Jigs re-opens his business to custom orders […]

Most of you All Around Anglers out there carry a little bit of everything in your gear bag on any given trip. Certainly everyone has their own favorite ‘go to’ methods they’ll usually start with based on water conditions….but most anglers will always have contingency plans. Unless you’re Sal Monid then your contingency plan is […]

Our crew of a few anglers, in two days, put 30 out of some 50 hooked to the bank. Nary a fish without sea lice. Need-less-to-say my head’s in the chromes now. TS/2011 * * * *

A much better version to watch on your PC or Mac. The version below, posted first, is intended for handheld users. There will be a part 2 and 3 to this weekend of fishing…including footage from Kirby Cannon’s head camera and oodles of footage from MME’s camera which captured the subsequent Sunday Smack Down. Come […]

And now All Around television presents: The Season is the Sickness. A feature film featuring Sturdy Kirby Cannon, Colin The Crusher, Steve The Traveler Lynch and yours truly…H3llcat. There will be at least one more movie from this weekend of salmon madness which yielded 27 keeper, chrome bright silvers to the back of our […]

It looks like…based on all current predictions…that we are set to receive our first PacNW Fall Storm of the year this coming week. Predicted rainfall and rising freezing levels should bump every coastal river significantly…starting about a half a day earlier the farther north you go. WA coastal tribs will see the first spikes by […]

Lynch sports the new AAA sticker with style, class and grace! Steve Lynch goes to where the fish are. He’s spent the last coupla years figuring out his roll and he’s got it down. While the rest of us were chasing ghost chinook on one part of the coast….he was far north of us whacking […]

Definitely TV style format. Hope ya’ll like the effort. There’s a ton of stuff in here and it should be lots of fun. You should find yourself laughing out loud in a couple spots. Almost 25 minutes long so take a seat. Most pictures come in the last 6 minutes. Trememndous thanks to all that […]