Just about the time everyone forgets about coho Steve ‘Hustler’ Gustafson and his Pops, Gus, go and put a hurt on a few. I’ve been real proud of Steve’s development as an angler of small rivers. He has passed a lot of knowledge onto his father as well and they are both now having success. […]
Posts Tagged ‘Hustler’
Hustler & Gus smackin’ some ‘hos
Posted: November 29, 2012 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Salmon, Trout & SteelheadTags: coho, Gus, Hustler, silvers, Steve Gustafson
Contributor Movie: Steve “The Hustler” Gustafson and his pops HIPBOOT GUS…
Posted: June 1, 2012 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Salmon, Trout & SteelheadTags: Hustler, Movie, Steve Gustafson, summer steelhead, The Hustler
Steve ‘The Hustler’ Gustafson is a proud supporter of AllAroundAngler.com and a damn fine angler as well. Here are The Hustler and his father, HIPBOOT GUS, alongside River X Fishing Guide Ed Fast…spoken extremely highly of by Steve’s crew. The Hustler’s been away for awhile. Let’s welcome him BACK! Wanna see more Steve Gustafson media? […]