Posts Tagged ‘allaroundangler’

Here’s a few trout shots I was able to grab of a few trout while over in Pinedale recently.

UPDATE: Orders with money in or on the way will be ordered tomorrow. Snooze you lose. Hey everybody good news! I am going to be ordering a round three of my hoodies. This is a special design created by Don Melendez and is being reproduced with his permission. Hey Don how you doing brother!? You’ll […]

As promised…here is installment 3 of 5. Enjoy. * * *

I am juggling quite a few activities tonight but wanted to wet your palette for yummy fish pics to come. The coast may have been blown….but we found fresh steelhead. Don’t hate. Appreciate. More pics, a movie and a tutorial on tying yarnies with egg loops above them to come soon. Hey, I’m here to […]

Most of you All Around Anglers out there carry a little bit of everything in your gear bag on any given trip. Certainly everyone has their own favorite ‘go to’ methods they’ll usually start with based on water conditions….but most anglers will always have contingency plans. Unless you’re Sal Monid then your contingency plan is […]

More love from this past weekend. This fish would take the cake. TS/SturdyKirby/2011 * * *

Our crew of a few anglers, in two days, put 30 out of some 50 hooked to the bank. Nary a fish without sea lice. Need-less-to-say my head’s in the chromes now. TS/2011 * * * *

A much better version to watch on your PC or Mac. The version below, posted first, is intended for handheld users. There will be a part 2 and 3 to this weekend of fishing…including footage from Kirby Cannon’s head camera and oodles of footage from MME’s camera which captured the subsequent Sunday Smack Down. Come […]

And we could only fit half of them in there. That’s a pretty good problem to have. Especially two days in a row. TONS of content to come in following days. TS/2011 * * * *