Hustler & Gus smackin’ some ‘hos

Posted: November 29, 2012 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead
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Just about the time everyone forgets about coho Steve ‘Hustler’ Gustafson and his Pops, Gus, go and put a hurt on a few. I’ve been real proud of Steve’s development as an angler of small rivers. He has passed a lot of knowledge onto his father as well and they are both now having success. It ain’t always about the big boats. I know they don’t need any help there 🙂

Words from the angler..

“Hey Man,

It was a great day. I took my dad to the river and we had a killer morning. Hooking 8 fish between the two of us my dad came out on top going 2 for 5 and his 2 were minty-bright hens. One of them was quite possibly the brightest, whitest coho I have ever seen. See the pictures. I went 1 for 3 and landed a nice buck.

Well I have been going since 3:45am and had major finsomnia so I am going to click send and hit the sack. Tight lines.”

  1. The Hustler says:

    Those are some great memories right there with my pops. Thank you for posting, Brother.

  2. Hellcat says:

    You’re very welcome buddy!

  3. Strick says:

    Great pics. Awesome memories. Glad you and your pops got into them. Been a rough time for you guys. You all needed that!

  4. daheller says:

    Nice going you guys. My hats off for the unreasonably early start and my congrats for getting a nice reward for the effort. Sal

  5. Hellcat says:

    Dad…anything before 630 is unreasonable to you….but then I guess when you’ve slayed as many fish as you have….

  6. Dumptruck says:

    Man Steve the look on your dads face says it all!!! Congrats and for those reading this never take for granted the time you get to spend with your family.

  7. Nick Nichols says:

    Kinda envious right now. What a lucky couple a guys right there. Thanks for sharing.

  8. The Hustler says:

    Thanks guys. It was a much needed outing for me and my dad. Haha, Sal you crack me up with your red zone.

  9. Padron says:

    That’s a massacre right thur. Father/son trips always make me smile. Thanks for sharing fellas!

  10. Hellcat says:

    Yeah I’m super proud of Steve. He’s come a long way.

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