Posts Tagged ‘fish’

Deschutes ‘21

Posted: February 3, 2021 by Hellcat in Fish Reports
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Hopefully by the end of the year we are all vaccinated and safe so we can fish more often and with more people! I was able to break away and make a trip over to the Deschutes with the fellas a couple weeks ago. It’s become a tradition for us to meet up at The […]

Here’s a few trout shots I was able to grab of a few trout while over in Pinedale recently.

From a bit north of us….I’m proud to introduce, Jensen Code….and all that is chrome!

This footage was shot yesterday, Superbowl Sunday, 2012. Enjoy the screaming reels on this one. There’s lots of it. Thanks for watching and remember it’s easy to make a comment here on the site for any post you’d like! Keep ’em wet, Christopher H3llcat Heller