No more chrome coastal Chinook Salmon? Wrong.

Posted: December 1, 2011 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead
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You’ve seen him contribute with articles, pictures, video clips and thoughtful comments. You’ll hopefully see some footage from him and I Salmon & Steelhead fishing this weekend as well. He is the husband of an old friend of mine from the NEP. He is simply known as: El Padron. Hey, find an on-line translator if you don’t know. For now though, check out his bling.

That right there is Chinook sea lice in late November

Photos from Luis Jose Rivas…..

  1. daheller says:

    I want some of those.


  2. Steve G aka The Hustler says:

    That is beautiful, El Padron. What did you get it on if you don’t mind sharing?

    The Hustler

  3. Superman says:

    Bringing it.


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