Posts Tagged ‘Eric Koenig’

Most of you who have a habit of reading the All Around Angler website on a regular basis have heard of Eric “E-Dog” Koenig. Eric is an avid finesse river angler of all methods. He’s willing to travel to find fish and he’s pretty darn quiet about his exploits. I always feel lucky when Eric […]

A huge and special thanks to Washington angler and baseball player extraordinaire Mr. Eric Koenig for his kick ass four piece jig installments all available right here on AAA!! Enjoy the final step. Making your own Jigs part 4 Tying the single bead rabbit fur jig Things you will need – Pre drilled 6mm bead […]

Mista Koenig drops another Triple A contribution #AAAProStaff Making Jigs Part 3: Materials Now that you have your painted jig heads – whether you painted them yourself or went the easy route and bought them, it’s time to talk about the types of materials. I stick to about three materials when tying jigs but I […]

Making Jigs Part 2: Paint There are two different methods to painting jigs that I like to use – those two types are powder or vinyl. Most of these paints can be bought at your local tackle shop or ordered online. For powder paint I like to use Pro-Tec powder paint for the ease of […]

WHERE DID YOU GET THAT JIG It started out as very slow day on the river. My fishing partner and I witnessed two steelhead caught but nothing spectacular as the bite seem to have completely dropped off. Rummaging through my pack I decided with the water clearing to bobber and jig fish. As I was […]

Pro Staff writer All Around Angler: Eric Koenig represents Seattle, WA and is a new Special Contributor for AAA and it’s media outlets. Please welcome him as he will be providing us with five new pieces of content pretty much right off the bat. Thank you, Eric, and welcome! H3llcat Why make a journal? I […]