Posts Tagged ‘prizes’

If you haven’t friended me on Facebook then you’ve missed out on a lot of free fishing gear. Almost two years of prizes and gifts from more than 12 different independent angling related companies supporting All Around Angler and everything it stands for. Education. Entertainment. Motivation. It’s all in here. Currently on Facebook I am […]

If you’re not linked up with me on the Fishbook Nation aka Facebook…then you’ve missed thousands of dollars in prizes over the last 18 months.  Here are the two most recent winners and what they’ve won! To participate you must click the FB link on my homepage here, top right, and friend request me on […]

By now you probably know I host over a dozen contests a month showcasing products and services from my incredibly awesome team of sponsors and partners. Thanks to John Webb and his donation of decal cut outs I’ve also been giving away these stickers as prizes. The contests usually range from 1 day […]

If you’re not linked up with me on Facebook then you’re missing the opportunity for lots and lots of free gear. Didja know that over the past three months I’ve given away over 1200.00 in free gear? Rods, apparel, jigs, lures, DVDs and more. Most recently I did a top three places prize for Kevin […]

You must first ‘Friend Request’ me on Facebook. Once you do that you’ll be directed to these following instructions which I’ve copied and pasted here in this post for your reference. Enjoy…you have 2 weeks! Other weekly and monthly contests to come soon. As it reads on Facebook “NEW Contest starting today and ending […]