Early Winter Steelhead HD TeamSalmon Movie

Posted: December 3, 2011 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead
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The title says it all.

Movie made with Apple’s new Final Cut Pro X software

  1. captain jack says:

    Sweet vid Heller. Im headed out the door right now to try for my first of the season, can’t wait!

  2. The Hustler says:

    Thanks for the memories, Brother. No really…THANK YOU!

  3. daheller says:

    Nice video. I like the new effects. I also like the steelies you guys found on a day that most rivers were blown. Sal

  4. Nookslayer says:

    Bad ass Heller!!! That is one of your best and you’re getting great with camera angles. Let go again soon!!! Siletz?

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