A dose of porn. Fish porn.

Posted: January 14, 2013 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead
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A great weekend followed up by another great weekend and even some fish the last coupla days. Here’s a peak at some of the action to come from this weekend’s action with AAA and TS2013. Photo of Trevor Braatz

Here’s the video shot by Trevor from his GoPro as he ran up on the fish from downriver..


  1. Hippie Kicker says:

    What a great weekend. Two days floating down the river with some great friends. Definitely a weekend with some great memories. Fish landed and lost but thats why we get back out there the following weekend.

  2. Hellcat says:


  3. Death Dealer says:

    Have to agree, it was epic getting out with friends and making new ones that is what this whole thing we call steelheading is all about. Love it.

  4. Chromehammer says:

    ^^^second that guys! Awesome experience all around

  5. Hellcat says:

    Thanks, Guys! Kev…I’ll get your stuff done tonight. Video is great

  6. REEL LIfestyle says:

    Gentlemen, You are so cool.. I Love this website >>> AAA

  7. Strick says:

    $$..Love my backyard.

  8. chris b says:

    oooooouch….hate that…you’ll get a bigger one!

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