Steelhead tips and tricks video

Posted: December 27, 2012 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead, Tips & Advice, Tutorials
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This tips and tricks video is brought to you by the sponsors of AAA I’m so proud to call my partners. Enjoy the tips and tricks! Special thanks to Jason D Miller, Spencer Rhodes, Brandon Hoover and Kevin Gray.

Steelhead Tips and Tricks movie here!

A very special holiday to all of you sponsors that have helped make this year so very special.

  1. Hellcat says:

    Hey thanks everyone for watching this video and sharing the link around with your friends. Hopefully talking about this stuff on the rivers works a little nicer than some guy at a table talking. Enjoy and any feedback you have is appreciated. Good or bad. Thx.

  2. Chad W. says:

    Another great video tutorial. Also “talking about this stuff on the rivers works a little nicer than some guy at a table talking” is a great point. Thanks bud.

  3. chris b says:

    great tutorial for sure, great style!! a person could learn alot from this and enjoy watching aswell….got my stamp o approval

  4. REEL LIfestyle says:

    We agree with Chad W. .. What a Revelation, go to the river bank and pimp your sponsors…Unique and refreshing indeed. MR HELLCAT that was truly refreshing..Everything you do is amazing.. Thank you for AAA ..

  5. Josh Kennedy says:

    Yet again another great video. We can’t thank you enough for all the hat work you out into the virtual fishermen/womens bible. Thank you H3LLCAT!!!

  6. Nick Nichols says:

    Did you guys see any Yeti out there? Looks like a nice day.

  7. Sam Yoder says:

    Awesome, Awesome,Awesome!!!!! Thanks Hellcat and keep it comming… AAA is all the right stuff for us River Junkies…

  8. Sal says:

    Nice easy watching and fun to see a nice slice of your sponsors with the river as a basck drop. The only thing that would have really spiced it up would have been a nice jumping steelhead to be the finale for the piece. I know you would have loved that too and it looked like you had some heavy hitters helping to try and make that happen. Sal

  9. Strick says:

    Definitely different. I dig it. Mixes it up a bit. I’d play some more with it.

  10. Hellcat says:


  11. Great information there! As always….nice video Heller 🙂

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