Movie Part 2: Fishing w/ AAA Year In Review 2011

Posted: January 6, 2012 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Fly Fishing, Gear Fishing, Out of Area, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead
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Special thanks to Chris Goth of Kodiak, Alaska for the wonderful silhouette photo I’m using as my ‘feature image’…..c/o Auntie, of course…

Everyone can thank the little guy for remaining calm enough today for me to finish this Bad Boy up.

Although I can never recapture a whole year of content with any accuracy in two movie wrap-ups….I’ve tried to do my best at it with this sequel and the previous YIR already live on the site.

Perhaps you’ll see your own picture(s) in here somewhere even if we’ve never met up. After all, if you’ve emailed me anything in the last year…it just may be here.

Over a hundred anglers contributed to this two part Year In Review series. My thanks to each one of you.

This is All Around and we are TeamSalmon.

Keep ’em wet,


  1. The Hustler says:

    Oomba Boomba. Great job. Looking forward to the 2012 seasons.

  2. Very well put together video Chris!! Awesome!

  3. daheller says:

    Great video. It is amazing all the action you caught in 15 minutes. It definitely catches the excitement and joy of fishing and shows off an array of places and fish species. Nice job. Here’s to 2012. Sal

  4. Big Tone says:

    Good Lord fella!!
    I did notice you put myself & Brandon right before the picture of your son.
    Sorry I didn’t get any pic’s to you from last year.
    2012 should be Re-Dic!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. GFK says:

    “and it only gets better…” Nice work Cat and to the posse at large for sharing… This internet thing is going to catch on…

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