Salmon & Steelhead Tutorial Repost: Basic float line mending

Posted: November 29, 2011 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead, Tips & Advice, Tutorials
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Mainly used for Salmon & Steelhead fishing but not limited to..other fish types.. How to mend line when float fishing for Salmon and Steelhead.
While many of you are way past this kind of Salmon & Steelhead tutorial….I’m assuming many readers are not. And, since this is the season for float fishing..among other methods…I thought I’d re-run a few posts for any new viewers. Thanks a bunch.


  1. Curtis long says:

    You should produce more how to videos. I know there’s a big market for them, and you seem to catch a fish or two lol.

  2. jake says:

    even your shorties are good brotha! mas! mas! mas!

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