Movie: Today’s steelheading trip video log

Posted: December 8, 2012 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead
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This video has a little of everything: Fish. Fun. Good Music. Tutorials. Sponsor info. AND new music by Jed and Lucas. Righteous.

  1. The Hustler says:

    Thank you so much for putting this together bro. Great day of memories. Hahaha what was I saying in the beginning? A buncha f@3kin bobbers and I set the hook…or something like that.

  2. daheller says:

    Nice going guys. Not bad for a half day early in the season. Hustler’s fish was a beauty. Good music as well. Sal

  3. OUTSTANDING on so many levels 🙂 Great educational tips in there guys, good info!
    Steve, DANDY fish Bud…….great job fighting it and getting it to the bank.
    Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy seeing that rod on film Heller! Just a matter of time before the BENDO happens 🙂

  4. scott says:

    hey chris love that new float rod from reel tech. that thing is killer!

  5. scott says:

    got some pictures of some coho and steelhead will try to post them when i have time thanks.

  6. Ghost Face says:

    Nice work fellas… That rod looks super fly…

  7. dumptruck says:

    Looking good!!!

  8. Auntie says:

    Nice flick Chris! Looked like you guys had a great time. That’s where we went a few years ago with Big Al, right?

  9. Hellcat says:

    Indeed it is, Auntie. Indeed it is.

  10. Pigsticker says:

    Epic battle and great music!

  11. Hellcat says:

    That’s my boy!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you’d be back Pigsticker.

  12. jensen says:

    Siiiick!! If I may, what color yarnie where ya fellas rockin?

  13. Hellcat says:

    Hey Jens good to see you up here! Lucas was on jig and I was on spoon

  14. The Hustler says:

    Jensen it was cerise, pink and white. Heller has his videos confused…old fart.

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