Newest AAA Facebook contest prize/results includes video drawing…

Posted: October 20, 2012 by Hellcat in Fish Reports
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Original contest language…picture and video drawing here. If you’re not on FB you’re missing a lot of free product opportunities. About a year’s worth now.

The original contest posting read like this on Facebook/christopher.heller.12….

AAA Sponsor Steelhead FLOAT n JIG contest…starts NOW! The two newest players on my TEAMSALMON partner/sponsor list are here to get your attention. This contest is featuring three sick floats from Rob at Cleardrift Floats, 2 x 25g & 1 x 20g and a an awesome varietal six pack of killer jigs from Gordon over at Bobber Down Jigs. Friend request them both and help support INDY tackle companies. NOW the rules: Simply ‘Share’ this photo as many times as you’d like and for each ‘Share’ you complete your name will be entered into a drawing which I will perform on video right here on FB one week from today. You’ll see the name I draw as I draw it. No cheating. Good Luck.

Video Drawing From Today:

To link up with me on Facebook simply click the FB button embedded in the top right portion of this website. Request me as a friend and I will reply promptly.

  1. Strick says:

    Best contest yet. Loved the premise. Need another one soon! Get that Hardy cat to donate a pair of boots. I’m about ready for a new pair.

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