Wyoming trout movie trailer….

Posted: September 22, 2012 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Fly Fishing, Out of Area, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead
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Another unforgettable trip in the books for my Pop. I am forever grateful he introduced me to angling at such a young age the first pictures of me fishing are beyond the reach of my memory. His film shooting and narration style is always a well played story with an excellent mix of education. Always. Here’s a peak at something I’m making from his trip to our family cabin this summer.

**As I transition from Windows Movie Maker to Sony Vegas…this upcoming full feature will the first effort from the latter. Stay tuned.

  1. Looks great…….what a beautiful place !!

  2. Hellcat says:

    It’s truly unbelievable there, John.

  3. Nookslayer says:

    So WTF are we not planning a trip there??? I’ll drive!!! I would love to drag a drifter with us and hit those waters. Well doen on the trailer Cat. And, as ALWAYS freaking Dave is seen wiht another piggy…

  4. The Stunner says:

    WOW! I’m with the Nookslayer, I want to go there and fish now… Cant wait for the full feature Chris and great shots Sal.

  5. The Hustler says:

    Sal, you sexy beast!

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