Movie: Time lapse Diamond Back Bow Cam video

Posted: June 25, 2013 by Hellcat in Fish Reports
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I was messing around with a song I really like and some first time footage using my new Triple A Bow Cam from AAAer Tony Faville.

Music from Walk Off The Earth w/ the track RED HANDS

  1. Tony says:

    That was pretty sweet!

  2. Hellcat says:

    Thanks Tony! Without your donation that would’ve never happened bro.

  3. Strick says:

    That could not have been any more rad. Nice job.

  4. Hellcat says:

    Oh man THANKS Jason! It was meant to be huh.

  5. Strick says:

    It was. Its really good man. No shit. Really good.

  6. Death Dealer says:

    I had a smile on the whole time watching that, just made me feel good. You are very good at what you do H3llCat

  7. Webber says:

    Freakin love it

  8. Derek Reed says:

    That was awesome man. Some killer fishing water. Great footage

  9. Jim Reed says:

    Heller you got skills with the camera Bro!! Jaw dropping footage!! Cant wait to see the next one!

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