Nook’s Uncle with an Ocean Return Update…

Posted: June 26, 2009 by Hellcat in Fish Reports

This is an email I received from a troller. Looks like the ocean and Buoy 10 have huge potential of living up to preseason expectations!

Trollers out of Neah Bay and LaPush didn’t bother to fish this last opener as the Coho are so thick they couldn’t get their gear through them. As a matter of fact Geoff LeBon indicated that the Coho were from the surface to the bottom. Already many 6+ pounders.

Look for a short season if they are that thick. Maybe an upwards run adjustment in the ocean would be some good planning, otherwise they will go to the net fishery and hatchery surplus as the inside Recreational, while catching alot, won’t make a dent in them. Hatchery surplus is not a good idea as this will give the Feds and State agencies more ammo to reduce hatchery releases.

ODFW reports that the south turning coho are thickest at Winchester Bay, but the weather was rough on the first opening period so no good estimate of abundance

Good Luck

Denny, Oregon Anglers

submitted by way of Nookslayer….

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