Much anticipated trout trips pics

Posted: June 27, 2009 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead

Today as Pigsticker and I sat out in the Columbia in the Diamond…fishing in high, brown 20 ounce…I mean 24 ounce water….we mentioned that Nookslayer’s trout trips pictures should be coming in any day now….”ask and you shall receive.” I got home from a sunny day on the river with a real good buddy…and these pics were waiting. He left instructions that he’ll fill in the text later. Here you go everyone. These are some great pics Nookman.

Thanks for the intro Cat, I’ll be brief.

The first photos are from the Resi trip I took for the 3 rd year in a row. I can’t tell you how much fun this trip is. I ended up with only a few photos as we were too busy catching fish to take them. The one in the blue net was one of my bigger fish measuring out (as you can see by adding both numbers in the net) at a little over 17″. Mike (the bald guy) had a slab of a redside at a little over 20″.  The guy in orange is my buddy Plem who fished with me all day.  We touched a LOT of water that NEVER sees anglers.  What a treat to throw huge dry bugs at acrobatic fish.

The next photos are from my trip to Diamond Lake with my uncle Denny (guy driving boat) who is the founder of Oregon Anglers ( He does two things, fishes (and this guy is FISHY) and fights for our rights to continue to fish. If you want to learn more you can visit his website.
The weather was interesting having intermitant rain and sun. Fishing was slow but I did manage one piggy at a little over 19″ and 4 3/4″ in girth (photo). The two mountains you see are Mt Bailey (rounded) and Mt Theilsen (pointy). The lake is directly between these two at a little over 6000 ft elevation. BEAUTIFUL place and fishing is usually hot. All in all a great trip even though the fish were stingy.



Plem about to take a rising red


Mike’s slab


One of my many


17″ FAT red


Nice bow from Plem


Below Chum Bucket on the Res


Facing Mt Bailey on Diamond Lake


Mt Theilsen


15″ bow on PowerBait


Denny’s boat


My piggy


Mt Bailey


Rain, sun, rain, sun


Captain Denny Richey

  1. Salmonid says:

    Way to go Nookster. It looks like you have been making the best of some nice summer weather. Those are some nice trout. I bet you are getting ready for the summer steelhead season.


  2. Nookslayer says:

    Starting to think about that and may try to hit it this year. I really have enjoyed some of the trout trips though and my need to grab Meskel and who ever else to do some float tube assults on some high Mt lakes.

    The Hex hatch is about to start!

  3. Nookslayer says:

    Let me look in to that now and get back to you.

  4. DD says:

    Beautiful trout! nice going! were you using downriggers err?………….


  5. Brent says:

    Nice work, I think it is time that a fly rod finds its way into my hands. That looks so fun. I am going back home to Mn soon for some Crappie and Pike and what ever bites.

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