Please welcome back Mr. Sockeye aka Mike McNeilly with his much anticipated Nor Cal update with TOAD pics included. Enjoy! Thanks for the contribution, Mike! *scroll below pics for article I truly believe that the best king salmon bite on this blue marble wasn’t in Alaskan or British Columbian waters this July. Oh, you’d need […]
Posts Tagged ‘Bodega Bay’
NOR CAL is the place to be!!! Spcl. feat. by Mr. Sockeye
Posted: August 11, 2013 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Out of Area, Salmon, Trout & SteelheadTags: Bodega Bay, chinook, Michael McNeilly, Mike McNeilly, Mr. Sockeye, Nor Cal, Norther California, salmon
Mike McNeilly reporting from Bodega Bay
Posted: July 22, 2012 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Gear Fishing, Out of Area, Salmon, Trout & SteelheadTags: Bodega Bay, Mike McNeilly, Mr. Sockeye
Hey Chris, I see that you saw my recent salmon trip photos on my facebook page. Here’s a report for Triple A from down south: Since the ocean season opened in early April, there has been a red hot bite for kings somewhere along the California coastline. In the first month of the season, the […]