Please welcome new contributor Dave Richmond to the AAA Pro Staff Family!

Posted: January 22, 2014 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, Fly Fishing, Gear Fishing, News, Out of Area, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead, Salmon, Trout & Steelhead, Tips & Advice, Warm Water
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In the spirit of what All Around Angler has ALWAYS represented which is sharing…..I’m looking at capturing new momentum for 2014 and I am going to be introducing many new contributors to this website and it’s on going productions. I will construct a page here on the site for the group to be seen as a whole. I’ll do this soon.

Introducing Dave Richmond.

Born and raised in Southern Ontario, I became a passionate angler and outdoorsman at a very young age. My journey started when I was big enough to pick up a fishing rod. I spent countless hours with friends out on the river growing up. Ten years ago I was introduced to the Great Lakes steelhead and have been hooked ever since.

Steelhead have become my species of choice but I enjoy targeting every species offered in Ontario. I fish all year around and am out on the water in all conditions rain, snow and ice cannot keep me away from setting my hook on the next trophy fish.

I am proud to be a part of the All Around Angler Pro Staff Team and look forward to sharing my knowledge and experiences.
Keep the Rods Bent!

Dave Richmond

Brown Trout

Coho -2



Lake Trout - 1

Lake Trout - 2




Steelhead - 3

Steelhead - 6

Steelhead -1

Steelhead -2

Steelhead -4

Steelhead -5

Walleye -1

Walleye -2

  1. Tow Truck says:

    welcome aboard!!!!

  2. Sal Monid says:

    Good to have some Eastern spin to the Team. Those are some dynamite fish pics, everything from small mouth and walleye to steelhead and salmon. Great to have you.

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