Our low water steely fishing is officially FINITO. We needed rain but definitely not this much. This extreme transition is typical of the La Nina weather pattern as polar opposite conditions often butt up against one another during these periods. Meteorology 201.
There isn’t one prediction table I know of that has anything in a fishable range before Monday or even Tuesday of next week. Insert excessive SIGH here.
Most of the information coming into NOAA and USGS tonight is already exceeding the orginal level hike predictions for the 5 day tables. From local metro rivers all the way to the coast…you’ll have to hang the rods up for a week.
Hey, I don’t make the rules. I just report the conditions and give advice based on my experience and knowledge. We needed rain. I guess we asked for it. I just feel bad for a coupla buddies who have a trip tomorrow. Not to mention my weekend trips look extinguished as of now.
Coastal to Metro: Hang ’em up for a week.
Posted: December 27, 2011 by Hellcat in Fish Reports, NewsTags: floods, forecasts, high water, rain, river levels, storm, weather
Thought about banking it tomorrow until I saw the latest stream flow. Forget about it! Time to read some Physics!
It looks like Sunday and/or Monday may fish in the smaller rivers. Larger CR tribs will be pushed out a little further. Many will reach Action or Flood stage by tomorrow.
Yeah, true! Its time to hang ’em up for a bit. Tie some flies, get some sidedridfting leader made up while its brown…
But if you are relegated to fishing these conditions. Dont be discouraged! The fish are there, but will take a little different approach is all! Theres this one place on the Moo Cow that may be worth a look. Imma check it out tomorrow!
Coastal rivers confirmed,,,, completely blown, chocolate milk. Sveta and I took the trip today,,,,actually saw a couple surface as they were speeding by. Not a complete days loss, a couple limits of butter clams and a dozen oysters. Magician, do you have that binomial expansion theorem down? Plenty of time until these rivers come down 🙂